A Conducive Environment

“The quality and variety of follow-up mechanisms to embed the learning has been spot on, and welcomed by all managers and directors in our business. James has gained a reputation for being a strong L&D partner “ AD, HR Director

In many ways it is what happens after the training that most determines how effectively the training objectives will be met.

  • Do participants have the opportunity to put their sharpened skills and knowledge into practice?
  • Are line managers supportive of participants as they sustain the training?
    • Encouraging the inherent risk in using a new or different approach
    • Understanding that initially things may take longer, and even go wrong
    • Helping to identify the less-obvious situations where the training can be applied
    • Providing encouragement and feedback appropriately and constructively
  • Will participants take advantage of the follow-up coaching that is included in their training?

Follow-up coaching has been shown to multiply the benefit of training by a factor of four 1, because it creates higher motivation and confidence to achieve goals

The role of the line manager is pivotal in fully realising the individual and organisational benefits of the training. For larger programmes it is well worthwhile having a pre- and post-training workshop with managers to work on creating the initial motivation and the right subsequent conditions for the training to take grip.

References :
1. Olivero, Bane & Kopelman 1997